Photo Credits: Vlasta Berry, Olga Kandravy, Olha Sokhan, Miriam Visnovsky, and Jeff Wutkowski
On January 25 and 26, and February 1 and 2, Archbishop Jonas Maxim, MSU, Metropolitan of the Byzantine Church in Slovakia visited our Cathedral and joined us in prayer at Great Vespers and Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at both the Cathedral and the chapel. Fr. Marek, his family, and parishioners welcomed him with light refreshments and warm fellowship after the Liturgies.
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It all started with a few flurries of snow... As a few inches of snow gently but steadily accumulated outside, faithful quietly and gradually assembled inside St. Michael's Cathedral.
Fr. Marek Visnovsky commenced the afternoon with a talk on hope, reflecting on why this day was different and concluding that the Cross is our Hope. Next, Bishop Kurt Burnette opened the Holy Doors and went on celebrating with Bishop Teodor Matsapula, IVE, Fr. Marek and many clergy from the Eparchy a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, marking the opening of the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025. A reception followed and fellowship was had by all.
Thank you to all who braved the weather coming to Passaic, NJ to celebrate with us from around the Eparchy, and to all the volunteeres who infatigably worked for weeks on end to make this celebration possible.
This is just the beginning of a whole year promising blessings for all those ready to receive them. Make ready!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
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On Saturday, January 18th, Bishop Teodor Matsapula, IVE, of the Eparchy of Mukachevo, Ukraine joined Bishop Kurt Burnette, Fr. Marek Visnovsky and many clergy in the celebraton of a Slavonic Divine Liturgy at the Chapel in Woodland Park, NJ.
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On January 11 and 12, Bp. Milan Lach, SJ, AuxiliaryBishop of Bratislava, Slovakia and Apostolic Visitor of the Slovak faithful in Western Europe visited our Cathedral and joined us in prayer at Great Vespers and Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. He was welcomed by Bishop Kurt, Fr. Marek and his family, and parishioners. Light refreshments and warm fellowship followed the Liturgy, before his departure for Europe.
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On Monday, January the 6th, Bishop Kurt, Fr. Marek, and Fr. Michael celebrated the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan with Festal Matins, Divine Liturgy and the blessing of the Jordan waters.
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