Glory to Jesus Christ!
Slava Isusu Christu!
Welcome to the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel!
We are the Cathedral Church of Bishop Kurt Burnette of the Eparchy of Passaic.
We are a Byzantine Catholic Church in full communion with the universal Catholic Church.
We offer services in two locations:
St. Michael's is completely accessible to persons with disabilities or mobility issues. An elevator welcomes the faithful at the street level and takes them up to the Cathedral or down to the Lower Level (where there is an ADA compliant restroom). From this level, persons can procede on foot or with a wheelchair to a platform lift that will provide access to the Cathedral's Lower Hall for social events, cooking and baking.
If you are unable to join us in person, worship with us online. ALL LITURGICAL SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE @ "St Michael's Cathedral Passaic" YouTube channel both as live streams and as archives that you may access whenever you wish. Here is the link.
~ February 12 and every Wednesday until the end of the Great Fast - Exodus 90 at 7:30 pm (Chapel)
~ February 22 - First All Souls Saturday Divine Liturgy at 8 am followed by Panachida with Hramoty (Cathedral)
~ February 22 - Wine tasting at 6 pm (Cathedral's Auditorium)
~ February 23 - Praying the Rosary with the children at 10:30 am (Chapel)
~ March 1 - Baking/making Prosphora (Communion Bread) with children at 10 am
~ March 2 - Preaching to the children at 9 am (Cathedral)
~ March 3 - First day of the Great Fast
~ March 6 - Commencement of Iconography Workshop at 6 pm (until 10 pm) with Fr. Marek; it will take place every Thurday of the Great Fast (Chapel)
~ March 8 - Breakfast with the Pastor at 9:30 (Cathedral)
~ April 11 - Fish Fry (Chapel)
Check out our Facebook page
The Bishop's Annual Appeal has begun. Our Parish goal is $25,200.00.
If our goal is reached, 40% is returned back to our Parish.
Please make your check out to EPARCHY OF PASSAIC and mail it to:
445 Lackawanna Ave
Woodland Park, NJ 07424
or you make your donation online on the Eparchial website:
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
THE MYSTERIES OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION, Baptism, Chrismation, and Holy Eucharist, are administered together. Once initiated, infants and children should receive Holy Communion regularly. Baptisms must be arranged at least one month in advance. New parents will receive some informative catechesis on the sacramental mysteries before the event. At least one parent must be a Byzantine Catholic.
THE MYSTERY OF REPENTANCE (Confession) is available on Saturday mornings after the Divine Liturgy, one half hour before most scheduled services, and at other times by request. Special hours for confessions are scheduled before Christmas and Pascha. Parents will decide when their children are mature enough to examine their conscience and make a confession. Children must be regularly attending Liturgy and must complete a home-based catechetical course on Repentance before requesting the sacrament.
THE MYSTERY OF MATRIMONY Weddings should be arranged with the parish before finalizing any other details. At least one party must be a Byzantine Catholic. Wedding preparation, including Pre Cana, should begin no later than six months before the proposed wedding date. Couples are strongly encouraged to attend the one-day Pre-Cana program sponsored by the Cathedral in late winter each year. Contact the parish office to share the good news of your engagement as soon as possible.
Church law requires that at least one baptismal godparent and one witness to Matrimony must be a practicing Catholic holding a sponsor certificate from the Catholic Church he or she regularly attends. Practicing members of St MIchael's Cathedral parish needing a sponsor certificate to serve as godparent or witness to marriage may contact the Parish Office.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please contact the Parish Office whenever a parishioner is facing serious illness or hospitalization so that they may be anointed for healing. Sacramental visits to parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities are made monthly. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. Please do not wait for "Last Rites"! Call for a priest while your loved one is able to make a confession and receive Holy Communion.
FUNERAL SERVICES The normal practice of the Byzantine Catholic Church is to pray the Parastas service with the body of the deceased at the funeral home and to bring the deceased to Church for a Funeral Liturgy before burial. A memorial service may be served at the cemetery or columbarium before the committal of cremated remains. Cremated remains should always be committed in this way, not scattered or preserved in the home. A funeral director can make all necessary arrangements with St Michael's Cathedral at time of need.
ST MICHAEL'S CEMETERY is available for your needs. Contact the Cemetery at 973-777-8541.
Download a free PDF copy of Come and See (, a publication of the Eparchy of Passaic, and learn from Fr. Jack Custer as he presents an introduction to the Byzantine Catholic Church on our YouTube channel at this link: Come and See Series.